Alhamisi, 22 Novemba 2012


.....ndugu wakilia

...ilikuwa ni saa ya majonzi na huzuni
Watuhumiwa wakiwa mahakamani kabla ya hukumu kusomwa. kutoka kulia ni Rhoda Robert, Ally Gube na Mohamed Ally.
safari ya huzuni ya Rhoda Robert kuanza maisha mapya gerezani mara baada ya hukumu...
Leo ilikuwa ndiyo siku ya hukumu dhidi ya watuhumiwa watatu wa mauaji ya marehemu Swetu Fundikira aliyeuawa kwa kupigwa miaka miwili iliyopita. Mara baada ya watuhumiwa hao kuhukumiwa kunyongwa hadi kufa, ndugu na jamaa wa marehemu waliangua kilio na wengine hadi kuzimia kama walivyoshuhudiwa na paparazi wetu aliyeweka kambi mahakamani hapo.


Jumapili, 18 Novemba 2012


 Mfanyakazi wa Kampuni ya Uzalishaji Umeme ya Punjab, jamaa wanataka kulipa bili yeye anacheza karata, hii ni sawa?
Huyu baba ana akili zote kweli?

Ogelea kwa usalama.


Bw. Ramadhan Kanja Mbunda akiwa na muhitimu mwenzie mara baada ya kukabidhiwa shahada zao, hongera sana Anko Rama kwa hatua uliyofikia, umeonesha njia wengine watafuatia.

Bw. Rama katika pozi na mmoja wa Wahadhiri wa chuo hicho(kushoto).

Bw. Tolu(mwenye Tshirt nyeupe) pia alikuwepo toka DAR hadi MORO kuja kumpongeza mhitimu.

Hongereni wahitimu wote kwa hatua mliyofikia.

Jumatano, 14 Novemba 2012


Rais Jakaya Kikwete amechaguliwa na kushinda kwa kishindo uchaguzi wa nafasi ya Mwenyekiti wa CCM taifa kwa kupata kura 2395.kati ya 2397 zilizopigwa hapo jana mjini Dodoma. Kwa matokeo hayo Ndugu Jakaya Kikwete ameitetea vyema nafasi yake hiyo hadi mwaka 2017. Huku kura za hapana zikiwa 2. Ushindi huo ni sawa na asilimia 99.92.
Aidha wagombea wa Nafasi ya Makamu Mwenyekiti ambazo kwa upande wa Bara ilikuwa ikigombewa na Katibu Mkuu wa zamani wa CCM, Philip Mangula naye amechaguliwa kuwa Makamu Mwenyekiti wa CCM Bara kwa kura 2397,  huku nafasi ya Makamu Mwenyekiti Zanzibar ameshinda Rais wa Zanzibar, Dk.Ali Mohamed Shein kwa kupata kura zote zilizopigwa 2397. Ushindi wa Shein na Mangula ni sawa na asilimia 100.


CCM safu mpya: Kinana, Nchemba, Vuai, Zakhia Meghji, Asha-Rose Migiro

Katibu Mkuu mpya wa CCM, Abdulrahaman Kinana.
  • Kwa mujibu wa taarifa kutoka Dodoma, Sekretari ya Uongozi wa CCM Taifa ni kama ifuatavyo: -
  •  Katibu Mkuu ni Abdulrahman Kinana.
  • Naibu Katibu Mkuu Tanzania Bara ni Mwigulu Nchemba (Mb).
  • Naibu Katibu Mkuu Zanzibar ni Vuai Alli Vuai.
  • Katibu wa Itikadi na Uenezi ni Nape Nnauye.
  • Uchumi na Fedha ni bi. Zakhia H. Meghji.
  •  Katibu wa Oganaizesheni ni Mohammed Seif Khatib.
  •  Uhusiano wa Kimataifa ni Dkt. Asha-Rose Migiro.


Mwenyekiti wa chadema,Freeman Mbowe akiwa na keki aliyokabidhiwa na wakulima wa ngano Babati,ambao walimuomba awasaidie kutetea kurejeshwa mashamba ya Ngano yaliyokuwa na shirika la chakula la Taifa(NAFCO) ambayo sasa yamebinafsishwa na hayaendelezwi. Kulia ni   diwani wa viti maalum Hanang, Sara Joseph

Mwandishi wetu, Hanang’
MWENYEKITI wa Chadema, Freeman Mbowe amependekeza kuvunjwa kwa Taasisi za Kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa (Takukuru), kwani badala ya kupambana nayo inaipalilia.
Akifungua tawi ya Chadema Kata za Katesh linalopakana na ofisi za Takukuru Wilaya ya Hanang, Mkoa wa Manyara juzi, Mbowe alisema taasisi hiyo imeshindwa kazi.

Mbowe alisema Takukuru imeshindwa kudhibiti hata rushwa ya wazi ndani ya CCM kwenye chaguzi ambazo zilifanyika hivi karibuni.
“Hakuna ambaye hakujua rushwa ndani na CCM na jinsi ambavyo imeathiri chama hicho, lakini Takukuru wameshindwa kupambana na rushwa hiyo badala yake wanailea,” alisema Mbowe.

Alisema Rais Jakaya Kikwete ambaye anasimamia Takukuru iliyopo kwenye wizara yake, ameshindwa kuibana ndiyo sababu hata yeye amekuwa akilalamika.
Pia, Mbowe alifungua matawi kata za Endasaki na Ganana, alisema kutokana na Takukuru kushindwa kupambana na rushwa, isipovunjwa chama hicho kikiingia madarakani kitawatimua watendaji wote wa taasisi hiyo ili wafanye kazi nyingine.

Alisema Takukuru imeshindwa hata kusaidia kurejesha mabilioni ya fedha za Watanzania ambayo yamefichwa nchini Uswis.

“Hawa Takukuru walipaswa kuanza kufanya uchunguzi juu ya fedha hizo baada ya kupata taarifa na kusaidia taifa kuzipata, lakini wamekaa kimya,” alisema Mbowe.

Alisema kutokana na ukimya huo, ndiyo sababu Chadema kupitia Naibu Katibu Mkuu wake, Kabwe Zitto waliomba serikali kufanya uchunguzi na kutoa taarifa bungeni juu ya walioficha fedha na utaratibu wa kuzirejesha.

“Bunge lijalo, kama wasipoleta taarifa ya maana juu ya fedha za Uswis tunajua la kufanya, nadhani mmeona jinsi hoja hii ilivyoungwa mkono na watu wengi,”alisema Mbowe.

Awali, Mbowe alizitaka ofisi hizo za Chadema, alizofungua kuwa kimbilio la wanyonge kutoa kero zao na kusaidiwa badala ya kuwa maeneo ya kukaa viongozi pekee.
Chanzo. Gazeti la Mwananchi

Jumapili, 11 Novemba 2012


Petraeus's 'sex under the desk' mistress pictured just a few seats from his wife as colleague tells how she 'got her claws into him'

  • Unidentified military source says Paula Broadwell relentlessly followed Petraeus to private events and ‘went from someone very likeable to a shameless self-promoting prom queen’
  • Petraeus stepped down as CIA director on Friday after confessing to cheating on his wife of 37 years
  • Petraeus was caught after exchanging sexually explicit emails with his 40-year-old mistress
By Daily Mail Reporter and James Nye
With their body language almost mirrored, Holly Petraeus, the now humiliated wife of former CIA chief David Petraeus sits just feet away from his 'mistress' Paula Broadwell in June of last year.
At the time of the photograph it is thought that the affair between the 60-year-old four-star general and his 40-year-old biographer was still continuing despite both being married with children.
And in a massive irony, both women are watching Petraeus sit before the Senate Select Committee that confirmed his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - the job he resigned from yesterday as a direct result of his affair.
Just Feet Apart: Holly Petraeus (left in white) and Paula Broadwell sit in the front row during the CIAconfirmation hearing of US Army General David Petraeus
Just Feet Apart: Holly Petraeus (left in white) and Paula Broadwell sit in the front row during the CIAconfirmation hearing of US Army General David Petraeus
But despite the public shaming of David Petraeus, one senior military source who worked with the former CIA Director leaves little room for doubt where those loyal to the general stand.
Blaming Petraeus' biographer and reported mistress, Paula Broadwell for his downfall, the unammed individual said that the 40-year-old author and West Point graduate went out of her way to 'get her claws in him'.


Depicting her as obsessed with using the 60-year-old war-hero to further her own career, the unidentified source describes the married mother of two as a 'shamless self-promoting prom queen.'
According to an interview the figure gave to, Broadwell latched onto Petraeus soon after they met at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2006 as she was wrapping up her Master's degree.
Intimate history: David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell shaking hands in front of the American flag
Intimate history: David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell shaking hands in front of the American flag
Claiming that Broadwell used their shared backgrounds as West Point graduates and counterinsurgency experts to become close to the decorated soldier, the source known as 'James Downing' says that when news of the affair broke he realised immediately who it was with.
'It's one of those things that, as soon as the announcement was made, I knew in an instant who it was,' said 'Downing'.
'Everything made sense.  Who had exclusive access to him?  Who wrote the hagiography on his life? Who framed their entire existence around his persona?
Unflatteringly comparing her to Paula Jones the former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment in 1994, the source claims to have known Broadwell for six years.
'When she started work on the bio she called me for background on one of the general's previous deployments,' said 'Downing'.
'I probably gave her four hours or so, and we stayed in touch after that by email and an occasional phone call.'
Confident: Paula Broadwell appeared on The Daily Show with John Stewart in January to promote her biography of David Petraeus 'All In'
Confident: Paula Broadwell appeared on The Daily Show with John Stewart in January to promote her biography of David Petraeus 'All In'
Paula Broadwell
Couple: But Petraeus has publicly confessed to cheating on his wife Holly, right
'Other woman': Paula Broadwell, left, is married and has two children. Petraeus has been married to his wife Holly, pictured right, for 37 years, and they also have two children
Husband and wife: Paula Broadwell pictured with her husband and father of her children, Scott, a radiologist
Husband and wife: Paula Broadwell pictured with her husband and father of her children, Scott, a radiologist
Comfortable: She lives with her husband and their two young sons in Charlotte, North Carolina, pictured
Comfortable: She lives with her husband and their two young sons in Charlotte, North Carolina, pictured
However, over the course of those years and through her unfettered access to Petraeus, 'Downing' claims that she underwent a dramatic shift in her personality.
'Over that time, she went from someone very likeable to a shameless self-promoting prom queen,' said 'Downing'.
'A very disturbing shift in how she carried herself.
'If she knew P4 (Petraeus) was going to make an appearance at an event, she'd crash it without an invitation (she actually did this at the wedding of some close friends of mine) and photo bomb[ed] sic everyone there.'
The senior source who claims to know both parties, even made allowances for the retired four-star general whose policies allowed the U.S. to make a measured withdrawl from Iraq in 2011.
Even despite the Washington Post reporting that current and former U.S. military officials long had suspicions of Petraeus being involved in infidelities.
'You're a 60 year-old man and an attractive woman almost half your age makes herself available to you — that would be a test for anyone,' said 'Downing'.

'Affair': Paula Broadwell and General David Petraeus, pictured, reportedly had an affair that led to his resignation
'Claws In': Paula Broadwell and David Petraeus, pictured, reportedly had an affair that led to his resignation
Close: Broadwell first met Petraeus when he visited Harvard University, where she was a student
Close: Broadwell first met Petraeus when he visited Harvard University, where she was a student
Oath of office: Petraeus was sworn in last September by Joe Biden with his wife Holly at his side
Oath of office: Petraeus was sworn in last September by Joe Biden with his wife Holly at his side
Denying any suggestions that the Obama administration hung Petraeus out to dry for political gains over the upcoming Bengahzi hearings, he outright blames Broadwell for the affair.
'The timing of the rumors of the administration throwing him under the bus after the election is suspect, but in the end I believe she got her claws — so to speak — in him,' said 'Downing'.
Warming to his theme that Broadwell is a shameless manipulator, the source hopes that Petraeus can recover his career of public service.
'He had enough honor to know that a cover-up is much worse than a public admission,' said 'Downing'.
'As a result, I think he can recover and continue to be a player on the national stage, but she's toast.  Her reputation is unrecoverable, in my opinion.
'The General fell victim to the one thing that can destroy a military leader's reputation faster than death: Seduction.'
Broadwell, who served in the military for more than a decade, lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her radiologist husband, Dr. Scott Broadwell, and their two young sons, Lucien and Landon.
Embedded: Broadwell, pictured in Afghanistan, has more than a decade of U.S. military service
Embedded: Broadwell, pictured in Afghanistan, has more than a decade of U.S. military service

Devoted: Broadwell, pictured with Lt Col. Steve Grenier in Gizab, also writes opinion pieces on leadership
Devoted: Broadwell, pictured with Lt Col. Steve Grenier in Gizab, also writes opinion pieces on leadership
It has emerged that Petraeus was caught by investigators after exchanging sexually explicit emails with his 40-year-old mistress and bombarding her with thousands of messages even after she had broken off the affair.

The racy communications between the four-star general and Broadwell were uncovered when the FBI began an investigation after suspecting corruption between the pair.
Petraeus resigned on Friday after confessing to cheating on his wife of 37 years, Holly behaviour he explained was 'unacceptable' for a senior administration official.

Petraeus issued a statement acknowledging the affair after President Obama accepted his resignation, which was announced by the CIA soon after.
‘After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair,” he said in the statement. “Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the president graciously accepted my resignation.’
After being sworn in as CIA Director on September 6th, 2011, Broadwell broke up with Petraeus, but he continued to pursue her, sending her thousands of emails over the last few months - raising questions about his judgement which led in part to his resignation.
Broadwell, who spent three years doing researching for her book, had extensive access to Petraeus in Afghanistan.
In the biography, Broadwell revealed she first met him during his visit to Harvard in spring 2006 when he was a Commander at Fort Leavenworth.
'I was among the students invited by the school to meet with the general at a dinner afterward, because of my military background,' she explained.
'I introduced myself to then–Lieutenant General Petraeus and told him about my research interests; he gave me his card and offered to put me in touch with other researchers and service members working on the same issues.'
Ally: Barack Obama could be harmed by the loss of one of his senior national security officials
Ally: Barack Obama could be harmed by the loss of one of his senior national security officials
Broadwell added that this was not a one-off as he often 'does a lot of mentoring'.
As she pursued her PhD in public policy in 2008, she contacted him to ask if she could interview him and they kept in touch via email.
'A few months into my research, General Petraeus, who was then leading Central Command, invited me to go for a run with him and his team along the Potomac River during one of his visits to Washington,' she wrote. 'I figured I could interview him while we ran.'
She explained that, after earning varsity letters in cross-country and indoor and outdoor track, she wanted to test him to see if he could keep up with her as she interviewed him.
Instead it became a test for me,' she said. 'As we talked during the run from the Pentagon to the Washington Monument and back, Petraeus progressively increased the pace until the talk turned to heavy breathing and we reached a six-minute-per-mile pace. It was a signature Petraeus move.'
Promoting the book on The Daily Show with John Stewart in January, she insisted that these mile-long runs together were nothing out of the ordinary.
Family Man: In a photograph from 2004 David Petraeus, (center), commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division, kisses his wife, Holly, (second left), as his son, Stephen, (left), and daughter, (Anne), right, look on
Family Man: In a photograph from 2004 David Petraeus, (center), commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division, kisses his wife, Holly, (second left), as his son, Stephen, (left), and daughter, (Anne), right, look on
'This is a typical mechanism for him to get to know young people,' she said. 'He's done it throughout his life. That was the foundation of our relationship.'
In another often awkward radio interview in January, host Don Imus said that the pair must have 'obviously' liked each other.
She responded: 'You know, as I said earlier, he has a number of mentees and that's one thing that's different when you compare him to other Senior Commanders.
'But, yeah, we had a lot of rapport. I think some of that comes from a common ground of having gone to West Point [to the U.S. Military Academy].'
Of her reported rival, she added: 'He is married to Holly Petraeus, who is a wonderful Military spouse and done so much for their children and for children of fallen soldiers, I respect her immensely.'
The book's description explains Broadwell conducted research for three years and was 'afforded extensive access by General Petraeus, his mentors, his subordinates and his longtime friends'. Its website adds Broadwell was embedded in Afghanistan with Petraeus for a year between July 2010 and 2011.
Glory Days: David Petraeus is America's best-known general and arguably the most consequential Army leader of his generation. Here he salutes troops in Afghanistan in 2011
Glory Days: David Petraeus is America's best-known general and arguably the most consequential Army leader of his generation. Here he salutes troops in Afghanistan in 2011

David Petraeus testifies before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in Washington D.C. in January in his capacity as Director of the CIA
David Petraeus testifies before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in Washington D.C. in January in his capacity as Director of the CIA
Broadwell graduated with honors from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, and came top of her class in physical fitness. Petraeus also attended the academy and married his wife Holly there.
She has more than a decade of military service and nearly two decades of work in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency.
She is studying for her PhD at Kings College in London, and is also a research associate at Harvard University's Center for Public Leadership. For her studies and the biography, she spent most of 2011 in Afghanistan as an embedded author.
As well as contributing to book chapters, appearing on television interviews and writing opinion pieces for The New York Times and the Boston Globe about leadership and women in defense, she has also worked as a model and demonstrator for KRISS, a .45 caliber machine gun manufacturer.
President Obama accepted Petraeus' resignation but described him as 'one of the outstanding General officers of his generation' as he added: 'By any measure, through his lifetime of service David Petraeus has made our country safer and stronger.'
Deputy director Michael Morell will serve as acting head of the agency until a permanent replacement for Petraeus is appointed.
In his resignation letter addressed to CIA agents, Petraeus wrote that 'such behaviour is unacceptable' for a senior administration official.
Sweethearts: Petraeus on the day he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1974, pictured with his fiancée Holly Knowlton, whose father was the superintendent of West Point
Sweethearts: Petraeus on the day he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1974, pictured with his fiancée Holly Knowlton, whose father was the superintendent of West Point

Jumamosi, 10 Novemba 2012


NGUVU za Serikali za kutaka kuifuta hoja binafsi ya Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini (Chadema), Kabwe Zitto ya kuitaka Serikali kuchukua hatua dhidi ya Watanzania walioficha fedha haramu nje ya nchi, jana zilishindwa baada ya wabunge kadhaa kumgomea Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali (AG), Jaji Frederick Werema kufanya hivyo.
Dalili za Serikali kutaka kuzima hoja hiyo zilianza baada ya Jaji Werema kusimama na kutoa mapendekezo ya kufuta vipengele muhimu.
Hatua hiyo ilizusha mvutano mkali, huku baadhi ya wabunge wakisema Serikali inataka kuifuta hoja hiyo muhimu kwa mustakabali wa taifa.

Mapendekezo ya Werema
Katika mapendekezo yake, Jaji Werema alipendekeza kufanyika kwa marekebisho kwenye kipengele katika hoja hiyo ya Zitto ambacho kiliitaka Serikali iwasiliane na Benki ya Dunia ili kupitia Kitengo cha Assets Recovery Unit irejeshe nchini mabilioni ya fedha yanayomilikiwa na Watanzania katika benki za Uswisi na maeneo mengine yote ambayo hufichwa fedha ili kukwepa kodi.
Jaji Werema alitaka pendekezo hilo liondolewe kwa maelezo kuwa mamlaka za uchunguzi ikiwamo Taasisi ya Kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa (Takukuru) na Usalama wa Taifa zinalifanyia kazi suala hilo.
Eneo jingine katika hoja ya Zitto ambalo Jaji Werema alipendekeza lifanyiwe marekebisho ni kuwapiga marufuku viongozi wa Serikali na watoto wao pamoja na Watanzania wengine kufungua akaunti nje akisema suala hilo litashughulikiwa kwa mujibu wa sheria ya fedha za kigeni.
Pia alitaka pendekezo lililomo katika hoja ya Zitto cha kutaja akaunti za watu wenye fedha benki za nje na kuzichapisha katika vyombo vya habari lifanyiwe marekebisho kwa kuondolewa.
Alisema suala hilo ni gumu na linakwenda kinyume na sheria za benki zinazotaka kutunza siri za wateja wao.
Kuhusu pendekezo la kuitaka Serikali katika Bajeti ya mwaka wa fedha wa 2013/13 kuanzisha kodi maalumu ‘Financial Transaction Tax’ ya angalau asilimia 0.5 ya thamani ya ‘transaction’ ili kuweza kuwa na rekodi za uhakika fedha za ndani na zinazotoka nje ya nchi, Werema alitaka lifutwe akisema hiyo inahitaji utafiti wa kutosha.
Alisema ofisi yake imechukua siku nyingi kufanya uchunguzi kuhusu fedha hizo ikiwemo kwenda Uswisi na kwingineko na kwamba itashirikiana na vyombo binafsi vya uchunguzi kufanya kazi hiyo.
Pendekezo jingine lililopingwa na Jaji Werema lilikuwa ni kuitaka Serikali kuwabana Watanzania wenye fedha nje ya nchi waeleze walikozipata akisema kazi hiyo inaweza kufanywa na Takukuru.

Mbunge wa Kigoma Kaskazini, Zitto Kabwe (kushoto) akimwonyesha Waziri wa Maendeleo ya Mifugo na Uvuvi, Dk David Mathayo baadhi ya ushaidi aliokuwa nao wa hoja yake binafsi inayoitaka serikali kuchukua hatua dhidi ya watanzania walioficha fedha haramu nje ya nchi, mjini Dodoma. Picha na Edwin Mjwahuzi

Wabunge wamshukia
Baada ya kutoa mapendekezo hayo, Mbunge wa Singida Mashariki (Chadema), Tundu Lissu alisema anamshangaa Mwanasheria Mkuu kwa kufanya marekebisho ambayo yanaizima hoja ya Zitto.
Huku akinukuu vifungu vya Kanuni za Bunge, alisema Mwanasheria Mkuu anataka kuua hoja hiyo na kwamba mapendekezo yake yanakwenda kinyume na kanuni ambazo zinataka kila badiliko katika hoja liwiane na jambo linalojadiliwa.
“Hoja ya mabadiliko ya Mwanasheria Mkuu kuondoa mapendekezo hayo, kwa maoni yangu yanakinzana na Kifungu 53 (3) (4) cha Kanuni za Bunge, kinachopendekeza kuwapo kwa mabadiliko na siyo kufuta hoja.
Alisema hatua ya Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali ya kupendekeza mabadiliko hayo ni kufuta hoja jambo ambalo alisema ni kinyume cha kanuni. Kwa mujibu wa kanuni za Bunge, mtu ambaye anaweza kuiondoa hoja ni mtoa hoja na si mtu mwingine yeyote.
Alimtaka Spika kutumia busara yake kumzuia Mwanasheria Mkuu kufuta hoja hiyo muhimu kwa mustakabali wa nchi.
Baada ya maelezo hayo, Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu (Sera, Uratibu na Bunge), William Lukuvi alisimama na kuunga mkono mapendekezo ya Mwanasheria Mkuu, huku akielekeza ‘makombora’ kwa Lissu kuwa anachokisema kinapingana na mtoa hoja Zitto, ambaye anakubaliana na Mwanasheria Mkuu.
Hata hivyo, Zitto alisimama na kutoa ufafanuzi kuwa hakubaliani na mapendekezo ya Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali kwa sababu yanazima hoja yake.
Baadaye Lukuvi alisema anaunga mkono pendekezo moja katika hoja ya Zitto la Serikali kuwasilisha bungeni ripoti ya uchunguzi katika Bunge la 11 na kwamba ili kasi hiyo iende vizuri yashirikishwe pia kampuni binafsi ya uchunguzi.
Mbunge wa Kisesa, Luhaga Mpina (CCM), alipinga pendekezo la kuiondoa hoja hiyo na kuunga mkono azimio kwamba Bunge liiagize Serikali kufanya uchunguzi huo na ripoti yake iwasilishwe katika Bunge la 11 na ikishindwa, Bunge liunde kamati ndogo ya kufanya kazi hiyo.
Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu, (Tamisemi), Hawa Ghasia, aliuanga mkono mapendekezo ya Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali akisema vyombo vya uchunguzi viachiwe kuchunguza mabilioni ya fedha yaliyopo nje ya nchi.
Mbunge wa Simanjiro, Christopher Ole Sendeka (CCM), alipinga akisema mapendekezo ya Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali yalikuwa na lengo la kuua hoja hiyo akisema wabunge watafanya dhambi kubwa kuiondoa hoja hiyo ya msingi.
Sendeka alitaka hoja hiyo iboreshwe kwa kumtaka Zitto awataje hadharani watu ambao wameficha fedha nje ya nchi ili Watanzania wawafahamu... “Ukiwataja hawa hoja yako itakuwa na mashiko, tusaidiane na wala siyo fedheha kuwataja.”
Alitaka kamati iundwe kuchunguza jambo hilo ili ukweli ujulikane.
Baada ya kubanwa na wabunge, ndipo Jaji Werema alisimama na kulegeza msimamo wake kwa kurejesha pendekezo la Serikali kushirikiana na vyombo vingine vya uchunguzi vya nje pamoja na wachunguzi binafsi kufanya kazi hiyo.
Alikubali pia pendekezo la kuitaka Serikali kuja na mkakati wa kueleza nini imekifanya katika Bunge la 11.
Aliwataka wabunge wote wenye majina ya watu walioficha fedha nje ya nchi kuyapeleka Takukuru au wamkabidhi yeye.
Baada ya hapo Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda alisimama na kusema hoja ya Zitto haikuwa mbaya na kusema Mwanasheria Mkuu pia alikuwa na nia njema.
Alisema Serikali haiwezi kumficha mhalifu akisema kama mtu ameiba atachukuliwa hatua bila ya kumwonea haya. Aliungana na Mwanasheria Mkuu kutaka Serikali iachiwe jambo hilo ilifanyie kazi.
Akihitimisha mjadala huo, Spika wa Bunge, Anne Makinda alisema hoja ya Zitto haijatupwa bali, inaingia kwenye utaratibu wa Serikali wa kuyatekeleza maazimio hayo.
Alisema Serikali itapaswa kutoa taarifa ya utekelezaji wa hoja ya Zitto katika Bunge la 11 la Aprili) mwakani na kama ikishindwa, Bunge litaunda kamati kufanyia uchunguzi maazimio hayo.

Msimamo wa Zitto
Akizungumza baada ya uamuzi huo wa Bunge, Zitto alisema ameridhishwa na hatua hiyo akiamini kwamba itafanyiwa kazi.
Alisema amefurahi pia kwa kuwa hiyo ni mara yake ya kwanza kwa hoja yake kufanyiwa kazi na Bunge

Ijumaa, 9 Novemba 2012


Pictures of a teller of Malawi’s one of the leading commercial banks seen shagging her ‘white’ boyfriend has gone viral after they were leaked.
The pictures have since been posted on various social media platforms.
It is however not known who leaked the ‘steamy’ pictures to the public but according to Nyasa Times sources, the pictures were filmed by the two crazy love-heads.
Why they did take the pictures and for what purpose remains a mystery.
Caught on camera doing a doggie-styleThis development comes at a time when a list of Malawian sex-maniacs from sports, politics, music, law, marketing, media and social circles was posted on Facebook recently.
This is not the first time that couples carelessly took pictures of themselves bonking and thereafter have their pictures in the public domain.
First to grace the media with such undignified and highly inflammable nude pictures was a renowned banker and the wife of a prominent lawyer for acting in pornographic materials.
The story which Nyasa Times exclusively covered was about Grey Nkungula and married woman and mother Tapiwa Msiska, who were arrested following the distribution of pornographic pictures and video clips depicting the two having sex and posing in different pornographic modes.
Two MBC radio and TV personalities respectively have found their ‘modesty’ exposed in the public domain after their pictures were also leaked to the social media and immediately went viral.
Recently, a Nyambadwe based young lady’s pictures also found their way to the social media after they were leaked out.
Social media networks are largely unregulated; allowing people to put anything whether decent or indecent but legal experts say creators can be traced and prosecuted for invading the duo’s privacy by distributing the material without the consent of the two “consenting adults”.


Malawi sex workers alliance elects national committee

Over 50 sex workers from the country’s hotspots converged at Lilongwe Hotel for two days where they formed a nationwide sex workers alliance and elected a national working committee.
Although sex work is illegal in the country, human rights lawyer Chrispin Sibande said since the Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to association and opinion, the sex workers have not broken any law by forming an alliance.
During the elections, Lorreta Mkulichi was elected chairperson  seconded by Annesi Linje. Esther Chimbewa and Mphatso Chibwe were elected secretary and vice respectively while Zinenani Majawa and Chipo Mitawa will publicise the association.
Talimba Pasadi was elected purse keeper while the rest of the committee members are Waeko Mphande, Christina Chisunkha, Anozenje Kamanga, Zione Chikako, Wezi Gondwe and Lucy Kumwenda.

Sex workers alliance: ElectionsSpeaking during the event, UNFPA’s Humphreys Shumba, whose organisation is funding the project, noted that it is suicidal for the country to ignore sex workers in the Aids fight.
He observed that since sex workers bear the burden of the HIV problem, it is only logical tht interventions ought to centre on them.
Shumba noted that the national prevalence rate of 10 percent pales remarkably when compared to the 70 percent prevalence rate among sex workers.
“We are the most affected group hence the need for us to be coordinated. We need to come together to address the problem within our grouping,” Shumba said as he addressed the sex workers.
He added that, first and foremost, sex workers are human beings and their choice of profession does not relegate them to second class citizens.
“First and foremost, we are human beings. We are born with enshrined rights which are engraved in you and they do not change due to one’s status or occupation.”
The sex workers have been drawn from across the country under several organisations that take a lead in fighting HIV among vulnerable groups. These organisations are Pakachere Institute for Health and Development, Foundation for Community Support Services (Focus), Family Planning Association of Malawi (FIPAM), Nkhotakota Aids Support Organisation (NASO), Society for Women and Aids in Malawi, Youth Net and Counselling (Yoneco), Centre for Girls and Interaction, Samala, PSI Malawi, My Village Organisation and Red Cross.

Jumatano, 7 Novemba 2012


Obama ashinda urais Marekani, Romney akubali matokeo, ampongeza

Rais Obama akiwa na familia yake kabla ya kuwahutubia wamarekani baada ya ushindi.
Rais Obama akiwa na familia yake kabla ya kuwahutubia wamarekani baada ya ushindi.

Na Sabina Chrispine Nabigambo

Rais wa Marekani Barack Obama amewashukuru wamarekani kwa kuonesha imani juu ya uongozi wake na kumpa ridhaa ya kuongoza tena taifa hilo kwa muhula wa miaka minne ijayo.

Katika hotuba yake baada ya kutangazwa kushinda rais Obama amesema kuwa kwa sasa anarejea ikulu akiwa na malengo thabiti na mwenye ari zaidi ya awali kwa lengo la kuwatumikia raia wa taifa hilo.
Obama amesema kuwa haijalishi tofauti zozote zilizopo kwa wamarekani bado kwa pamoja inawezekana kulifikisha taifa hilo mbele zaidi katika suala la maendeleo na usalama, ili kuhakikisha ndoto za wamarekani wote zinatimia.
Aidha rais Obama amemshukuru mpinzani wake Mitt Romney kwa kampeni zenye ushindani na kwamba ataendeleza ushirikiano na gavana huyo ili kuliwezesha taifa hilo kusonga mbele kwa manufaa ya wamarekani wote.
Rais Obama amemshinda mpinzani wake Mitt Romney kwa wingi wa kura za majimbo ambapo amepata jumla ya kura 303 dhidi ya kura 206 alizopata Romney,ambaye hata hivyo ameshinda Obama kwa kura za wananchi kwa asilimia 50 ya kura huku Obama akiambulia asilimia 49.

Jumapili, 4 Novemba 2012


Mbunge Zungu wa Ilala Anaswa Akitoa Rushwa

Mbunge wa Ilala, Musa Zungu
Watu watano akiwemo mbunge wa Ilala Musa Zungu wamekamatwa na Taasisi ya kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa Mkoani Dodoma wakidaiwa kutoa rushwa kwa wajumbe wa Jumuiya ya wazazi ili wawachague.
Kamanda wa Taasisi hiyo Eunice Mmari alisema Zungu alikamatwa katika Hotel ya Golden Crown majuzi kati ya saa mbili na nusu na saa tatu usiku.

Eunice alisema baa ya taasisi yake kupata taarifa hizo walianza kumfuatilia kwa karibu mgombea huyo na ndipo walipomsikia akitoa maagizo kupitia simu ya mkononi kuagizia nani apewe kiasi gani.

Alisema baada ya hatua hiyo TAKUKURU walianza kumfatilia Zungu na ndipo waligundua kuwa yupo katika gari ndogo aina ya Toyota Mark –II huku akifuatana na gari jingine aina ya Prado ambalo ndiko fedha na wapambe wake walikuwa wamepanda.

Alisema baada ya kulisimamisha gari hilo alilokuwemo Zungu ghafla Prado hilo liliweza kutoroka na kumuacha Zungu na ndipo alipokamtwa na kuhojiwa.

Alisema hata hivyo TAKUKURU waliweza kufuatilia mitandao ya simu na kisha kubaini kuwa fedha hizo zilikuwa zikigawiwa na mmoja wa wakala wake ambaye naye kwa sasa amekamtwa.

Kamanda huyo aliwataja wengine waliokamatwa na Zungu ni pamoja na Yahya Khamis Danga , Busulo Mohamed Pazi na Famik Joseph Mang’ati.

Alisema kwa sasa watuhumiwa hao wote wameachiwa kwa dhamana huku uchunguzi zaidi ukiendelea na watafikishwa mahakamani mara baada ya kukamilika.

Aidha kamanda huyo alisema mwingine aliyekamtwa ni pamoja na Fatuma Kasenga ambaye ni mwenyekiti wa jumuiya ya Wazazi kutoka Mkoa wa Mbeya.

Alisema mwenyekiti huyo alikamatwa usiku wa kuamkia juzi, saa tisa usiku katika hoteli ya Kitoli mjini hapa akiwanunulia wajumbe wake chakula.

Kamanda huyo apia alisema kuna taarifa zaidi ambazo zinamtaja Alhaji Abdalah Bulembo kuwa naye amekuwa akitajwa sana katika utoaji huo wa rushwa.

Alisema hata hivyo wanaendelea na uchunguzi dhidi ya tuhuma za Bulembo na wamepata taarifa za awali kuwa anatoa rushwa hizo nyumbani.


 Mhitimu wa Shahada ya Mawasiliano ya Umma Chuo Kikuu cha Tumaini Bi. Fatma Omari Mnonjela akiwa na furaha mara baada ya Mahafali yao jana Ukumbi wa Karimjee Dar es Salaam.
Baadhi ya Wahitimu na jamaa zao wakijumuika pamoja mara baada ya mahafali. 

 Bi. Fatma akijumuika na jamaa zake
Ndugu jamaa na marafiki wakimpongeza Bi. Fatma.

Hongera sana Bibie kwa hatua uliyofikia, Elimu ni nyenzo ya kupambanana mazingira yanayokuzunguka na Elimu haina mwisho.