Jumapili, 20 Novemba 2011


Playboy Saif before capture in August
Saif akiwa selo baada ya kukamatwa.
Akionekana mwenye hofu, Saif akisafirishwa kwa ndege kwenda kwenye kambi ya jeshi.
Saif Al-Islam, 39, found near southern town of Obar, reportedly 'in good health'
  • Libya's Justice Minister says Gaddafi's heir could now face death penalty
  • News sparks celebrations across the country
  • Will be held in Zintan until new government is formed
  • Prime Minister David Cameron says capture 'shows we are near the end of the final chapter of the Gaddafi regime'
By Martin Delgado

Looking haggard and fearful, Saif Al Islam Gaddafi cowers in terror after his capture by Libyan fighters yesterday.
His old swagger gone, the British-educated son of Colonel Gaddafi was clearly terrified that he might encounter the same fate as his father, who was killed a month ago.
Hunted down: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi looks dejected and withdrawn following his capture
Saif could yet face the death penalty for his crimes, but Libyan officials promised he would, at least, receive a fair trial. That trial could prove highly embarrassing for influential British figures – including Prince Andrew and Tony Blair – if Saif reveals details of the close links he enjoyed with them.
Hunted down: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi looks dejected and withdrawn following his capture
The 39-year-old former playboy and womaniser was captured trying to flee across the border into Niger. A mob of angry protesters tried to storm the plane but were beaten back by soldiers under orders to keep their prisoner alive so he could face justice.
Only three weeks ago Saif had vowed to avenge his father’s death, declaring defiantly: ‘I am alive and free and willing to fight to the end.

Maoni 2 :

  1. Huyu hakustahili kuwa mtoto wa shujaa Gaddafi. Anatamka maneno hovyo tu kama jasiri kumbe kazi ikiwa kwake, basi atatoa macho kama panya mwenye kunaswa na mtego.

    Mimi ananikumbusha Saddam Hussein aliyeapa yeye atakufa kwa shaba tu (HAIL OF BULLETS). Walipokuja lakini wale wenye kumlisha shaba zake, Hussein AKACHIMBA SHIMO ARDHINI NA KUJIFICHA kisha akafa kama mbwa alienyongwa baada ya kuondolewa kwenye chimbo lake.

    Viongozi kama Al Islam wananichukiza sana kwani wanasabisha watu wengi kufa kutokana na maneno yao ya kishujaa-bandia!

  2. Kweli haya maneno yao ambayo yapo tofauti na vitendo vyao yanasababisha chuki dhidi yao na kimsingi wanajiongezea uhalali wa kushtakiwa na mahakama ya kimataifa bila wao kujua
